Uttan Asana:

Start a Squatting (see section Squatting) is a good way to prepare Uttanasana. Squatting position refers to abdominal skin thigh skin. The transition from the community, shall be placed in the hands on the floor of Uttanasana and begin to straighten the legs of any degree can be at the same time, however, keep your thigh is parallel to the abdominal skin. Abdominal skin (or, preferably, in front of you, the lower ribs) your thigh is parallel to "this game." Allowing the hips to rest on his groin prevents lower back fatigue. If you get to where you start to separate the skin from the abdominal skin of the thigh. This is your "edge." This is where you can restrict your Hamstring flexibility.

You can stop and just hang out at that time, both knees holding hands, and time before you add more activities to relax.

After relaxing for a while, you can gently grabbed my ankles and calves and move some of your hamstrings having carefully considered the voltage does not begin with a low back strain your redirect. Keep your knees bent, the tension without back as much as necessary. If your hamstrings are properly connected, and you can straighten your elbows slightly, only to the extent that you are trying to force compliance with directly from your lower back strain may issue on your feet. Is "fair". In an effort to straighten the legs too fast ignorance or greed (= pride). I admit that there is a close and that on the back of the body. There is no harm.

Finally, you can still flood waters while preserving your abdomen, hips resting entirely on your feet. If you are bending the knees and your feet will not be able to stretch the hamstrings and opens completely discounts, even if they stretch and open easily. So, is present in the original work and, finally, I want to go to, represent the classical work. But in fact represent the same heating and they also home for a week or a month before you as the classical legged Uttanasana yoga practice in preparation for release.

Legs and feet:

Are your feet hip width apart, at least in the early months of practice putting. Even after you are able to with your feet together, is good for their first two or three Uttanasanas each class your feet wide hip and how you become warmer later in class, compile your feet. Note that "feet hip-width" must be moved to the position of the feet perpendicular to the floor, is closer than most people think their bodies together. Verify that the mirror itself. Finally, the flexibility that allows you to get your feet, your ankles in accordance with the internal parallel Tadasana. In General, if you have your feet apart, and if you keep your elbows with your feet together, you can put your hands on the floor, although there may be reasons why you may do otherwise.

Taking your feet hip width helps to soften the lilldekooriga, it is easier to balance, and to facilitate the open thighs and backs the hamstrings. Together with the elbows and feet being abdominal organs more mixing, whereas the toning purely. To make this mess with your feet apart, releasing the abdominal muscles and internal organs have more.

Tadasana creates your feet. All legs wide spread but not fastening to the floor. Lift up your legs, ankles.equally between the inner and outer. Straightening the knees completely without hyperextending. Your weight should be evenly balanced between your feet.

Leg muscles to engage bones that all sides of Su. Draw your thigh flesh by rinsing with your community.Highlight your thigh and Hamstring muscles is your buttocks discounts. Strengthen your quadriceps muscles in the legs and pull upward and inward in his ribs, his kneecaps were lilldekooriga. Usually the active tab-elbows-they must be quick on the draw does not take into account any faster on your feet or your kneecaps with charts. Keep your thighs are completed and all. Keep the power supply to your account at the level of their trip to the bones (femur) every time they fall. Feel your thighs into your skin, your quadriceps thighbones, and all the way on your feet strongly supports. Allow this operation to extend its legs, and in particular the reduction of the thighs.

Also move all the legs and pelvis flesh skin up to the community. Increase your internal lilldekooriga on both sides of the Atlantic to raise both elbows, knees up to the outside of his hips--all four weight-bearing are equal and equally.