Jnana Yoga:

Jnana is knowledge. You know as their head of Brahman Jnana. To say, ' I am Brahman, more so all the knowledge of, or traffic calming, harmless and silence says, this is the Jnana. See that no one had to use their own Jnana.

Ajnana is dark. Ajnana to identify themselves and combination vehicle illusoire two, mind, and what errors of sense ... To say, ' I do evil, a good, I am a Brahmin, Brahmachari, this is my 'Ajnana it was my son. Jnana can damage the Ajnana alone, as a person I can recall dark light.

Brahman, the Supreme Court and the cleaning of a man of approved leisure of not observing actions or fruits. Create, protect and kill the Earth without him is Maya, is like going to the world of process energy action is primary.

As a two three types of absolute space is not space, a jar, restricted space and space Panel (Blue Star) reflected in the waters of jar-there are three types of any information. They are absolutely intelligence, intelligence and operational elements with any of the information reflected in Maya and combat elements (individual souls) were reflected. Evil-doer is the concept of intelligence as a combat element function are reflected in the head, the concept, by bak SOT chuerduo and Brahman, t é moin's silence.

A jar and a panel of the model space absolutely (Blue Star) space reflecting in the water in a restricted space in the jar, convey the idea of reality, Brahman alone. Maya, however, it became three.

Notion that reflection information, erron é, pitch black. Brahmin is not restricted, restrictions are Brahmin superposition effects.

De la court type you reflect the identity of its own reporting not send Tvam go/Ke Du artists do not get to old Upanishad. Know two identities and darkness of the Earth and their cargo and destroyed, all the doubts disappear.

Call intuitive perception of the Supreme Court and himself to be a free and perfect. Jnana Yoga both smart not many people he is not very small, payment and intellectual people without sharp stone is enough to make knowledge and wave blade/pratique-drill. Thus, Upasana and Karma Yoga (Bhakti) to perform a top, Arles, and bring his body back to receiving knowledge.

JNANA seven links

Seven stages of Jnana you seven Jnana Bhumikas. The past, Jnana in some watershed Atma Jnana Sastras and no understanding of the desired fruit and the development of women's action society. First of all, this is what you have thought, Subheccha formulaires Bhumika Jnana Holy you. Discrimination or spirit will be good at swimming and water protection. Blood will be attracted and sensory-produced by inches in the performing arts for the first time you are lying in two stages. The matter next week in two stages, it is--finally, Vicharana and Tanumanasi atteint raison d ' être. In the second on the stage ever-Atma Vichara (Atomic) formulaires. The performing arts, and the third is Tanumanasi. In this matter the special produced by Kiltivasyon. The idea to thin as a string. Tanumanasi。

Tanu, the red thread thread-like status of the account. They third name of all scene know Asanga Bhavana.In three stages, absorbing all of the attractions. If we are going to die in the third stage will be maintained for a long time in heaven, his consciousness is to reincarnate as in the Sun. See above under County Jagrat Inclus, three phase. The performing arts in the fourth one is Sattvapatti. This destruction Vasanas St. This Inclus County under Svapana. Planet like a nightmare time. Got there and who find the scene in the fourth to see everything in the universe and equal in the eyes. Fifth performing art is Asamsakti.

There is no perfect non-Annex I products, people on the planet. No Upadhi you you want to sleep in: this is onsite and Jnana Jivanmukti kirtanananda Svaroopa (Brahmin forever) has gone through. Sushupti, it will give up. In the sixth session of the performing arts is Padartha Bhavana. It's true. Seventh show business is the Superconsciousness of the Turiya, you state. This was Moksha. This knowledge of Turiyatita. To win the NPP Sankalpas. All Nash come to an end. This is higher than the reach hearts and voice. Nothingness of salvation (Videhamukti) arrived at the scene the seventh.

Atma sure they live, Visual equivalent of evil desires and all, differences to no Internet to eliminate all side effects not you said before, Turiya.