Modern "Yoga":

Honest concern, let's hold on myth ( citation from the American Yoga Association). Repeat the many other individuals and groups who are conscious or unconscious, is identical or similar to the "beliefs" to discover more of yoga in Hindu religious/spiritual teachings and practices. The point of this analysis and the proper phrase (in quotation marks), while ironically dogmatic clichés of contemporary Yoga qualifications get fairly simply to the fact that natural religion hinduism and Hindu Professor of Academy of classical Yoga Yoga Yoga's Hindu spiritual discipline and only valid or invalid Yoga Professor of Hindu religious body on this principle, not to forget that.

"Yoga is not a religion. What is this? In practice (see note 1), yoga all Hindu religion ( simple dictionaries, encyclopedias, comparative religion, books, books on hinduism or Hindu group visits and surveys Temple ) progressive spiritual areas. Hinduism is the Sanatan ("the eternal truth, traditions and principles" ) and Vedic religion in terms of knowledge.

"Yoga system. Technology you can use the target number of dependency on external parties, and the number one figure of God or religious organizations ". Had a definition, all-in-one from the sanskrit word "Yoga" and the two (see Yoga fact) any deceptive, this general statement is totally misleading, because you can use the same object. This notice also Webster names between faith and religion, as if "addiction" fantasy "system" to a very bad choice is defined as: "principles or facts structure dependence of sound ... the most complicated ideas, principles, consistent ... Due to the fact that a particular kind of philosophy, religion, etc. "The word" technology "and the classic way of course information about all religions as well as the basic means. But since the admission of the Yoga is not a "religion or a belief that a certain set of" and "dependants", the so-called modern "or" American Yoga is a system-defined, but not the technology.

"Not specified [yoga, creeds and beliefs ..." is so obvious contradiction (as the technical systems of Yoga and yoga define fixed set of beliefs and the belief that there are no that indicate), go to create a set of their own faith or belief is the myth of modern yoga. Only lives without belief in any one that shows the error, ignorance, many experienced and advanced determined an overall and systematic belief that many yoga and Hindu areas and practices configured. 

"New age Yoga" describes a number deep knowledge of your target just a lot of physical aspects and self-development usually see. Seriously, learn many classical Hindu Professor yogas. Recognize yourself is important, however, is the Chief Executive Officer, 3 (definitions, i.e. "Union [of the individual soul, Atman bramin universal soul, of") is a soul in all disciplines of Yoga ( individual and General ). From these simple yoga, Hinduism philosophy know the key differences of the self (ego) and "self" (the soul). 4. the purpose of Yoga is not as deep expertise in the field of human beings, it comes up, it is not known what is itself.

Modern Yoga to make abstract sense of self as an independent outside the system to do? The so-called "Yoga people discover" fun name, face, body, and the price you observed, this fact is often still maintains an external dependency. (Of course, with the exception of new interpreters ) uncivil fashion and fake "new age therapies" and modern Yoga is external number $ and sincere believers.

The scheme, in the light of God worship in certain ways. "This false statement, and many Hatha Yoga yoga asanas, Hindu gods only well knowing all of life's great exponent of the many aspects of Yoga and yoga definition indicates total. Without exception all the famous Yogi's Hindu spiritual beings with reference to the particular importance of reverence to Shiva (obvious contradiction other ) good American Yoga article ("authenticity" of a wide range of yoga practice) ancient seal ( duplicity sensitive announcements of Prajapatt in the Shiva) .6 again after 5 "obvious", a completely negative "Yoga" today's personality and original traditions.

"Not inconsistent with the practice of yoga, religion."You see, this is common sense, knowledge and a great lack of rel also be done with regard to the yoga.