Yoga for back pain:

We believe that the rest of the best for a painful back. 
But actually, what you really need to copy after his hurt performance. Regular exercise relieves back pain by strengthening and stretching the muscles that support the spine and helps prevent future injury. Use it or lose it: more during the rest of the copy gets weaker, even if it hurt. Research has shown that actually corrected as quickly as possible back pain and return to regular activities with only two days rest. So let's take a look at best practices, relieving back pain.

The practice of Yoga was good, take place regularly to reduce stress and tensions, sometimes mild pain in back, and in fact, studies have shown that yoga is the number one most effective use of relieving back pain. 
However, not all Yoga pose relieves back pain and some in fact exacerbate existing pain, so it is important to know which is most useful for the release of back pain. Best to perform these exercises under the supervision of a qualified Yoga instructor, and if you encounter any problems with this pose, should consult an expert. Even just one or two sessions with Yoga instructor can help you, because the instructor will help you with form and posture during lifting. Here are some of the best Yoga pose relieving back pain. Any arrangement should be considered to be from five to 10 seconds, depending on the level of comfort and Matt or other surface with a soft, cushy.


Lie flat on your back, arms, resting, relaxing, Palm down, and the sides of the leg, lying, of course, with a bit of it appeared on the road. Boli want to their knees, the exit is on the use of this poses to the knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Breathe in and out of a few seconds while maintaining tension caused to leave the unit.


Begins with the hands and knees with a flat back. Hands should be directly on their shoulders with the fingers spread. The road should be directly below the hips. Head ran freely, that you are looking for on the floor between the hands. Inhale and exhale as, towards the top of the arch back to tuck into his chest from China is looking for your navel, Tuck your tail at the bottom. Press and hold, then release it back to its original position.


Lie flat on your back the corpse pose. As you inhale, bend your knees, place your hands on the right below the knee and draw your legs to your chest. The left leg should remain flat on the floor. Exhale and bring your forehead touching your knees. As you exhale, inhale, and then go back to its original location. Repeat with other leg.


Warnings about the present — implies, twisting back, so be careful not to twist or particularly low risk of aggravating existing pain in the back of all. It should be gently stretched; Twist only in so far as is comfortable. Sit on the floor, legs at the front. The bend on the right track, and eliminate your right leg over the left side and place on the right foot next to the left side of the road deck. Sit on the right of the spine, the location of the upper-left corner on the right side of the road on the right. The bend of the left, the left hand is touching his right hip, while at the same time, he had in view the right shoulder. This is where you should be careful not to Twist too far. Have a few seconds and repeat on the opposite side of the issue.


Stand with feet to the front, facing the sides of the arms, the weight on both feet. To raise both arms above their heads, interlock your fingers and hands, so that your Palms face up. Then put your hands on the head and turn your head that you are looking for a bit of expansion. Stretch broni before and at the same time, prepare your toes, if you can without pain. Stretch the whole constitutes and shall, if possible. Some people are facing difficulties in balancing during this pose, do so only by stretching parts if necessary.


Resting on his knees, Bowed and arms by your side. Copies of the Ark, as long as you can comfortably and comment are not touching the ground by pushing the floor with his elbows. If possible, tilt your head back and the rest of the Crown of his head on the floor. Breathe deeply from the diaphragm and hold the pose for up to one minute, if possible.


Put a face with arms on the side of the Palm downwards and elbows slightly bent toes pointing. To increase the leg and thigh as high up as possible without touching the ground in pain. Have one second and repeat up to twelve times. This can be a fast to use, so be careful of the strain already