Swara Yoga: sounds of the universe

Swara is a Word, which means the name of the Note sound or music. Swara Yoga is an ancient practice, which will examine the body, and as one of the objects in the Universe is a huge masterpiece Orchestra.This type of Yoga is closest to the body through breathing, vibratory, quality control, but is much more awareness of the essence of things sound. Swara Yoga 5000 year old tradition in all elements of modern science now confirm, whether each individual rock, tree, flower, table, Chair, and the presence of certain "personate spring." All we have personal resonance. Every cell is to their own perfect resonance with the activity and size. Essentially, each instance is the physical form, the Universe, its own sound.

We see many traditions swara Yoga science. Swara Yoga wisdom was the ancient Egyptian Kings and Queens, such as daily life. They knew that the seven saints of sounds which could be used for the "maintenance" in the body of the seven chakras or energy centers through the cell. After these seven sacred sounds, texts, or repeat an entire body began to be in harmony. The unit had been closed in the very structure of DNA in the cell: a physical and then through kuumeista and under the auspices of the subtle body. These bodies are composed of less dense and non-obvious physical form, but it is, however, its own vibration. We are essentially in a Symphony of sound.

When the forms of the disease is due to that. It is as if our entire Orchestra is playing along, except in the case of several key players, the same music, the game is only one beat behind it. When extreme dis-ease takes place within the physical structure, is actually a character's worst Orchestra. There is only one beat behind the body, but the multiplayer, perhaps even the cabling is incorrect result! The disease occurs in essential subtle bodies in place to actually incorrect, and as previously ever engraved body. When we change the vibration or give us a line to the right music, can we then prevent dis-ease or dis-harmony, never put down physically manifested in the body of a form. These metaphors of music, there is not much written references to the point; We're really walking sound Symphony. Sound power in the US and around us.

Most people only know a lot of sound in a particular area. Piano, the lowest Note is represented by, for example, the sound that oscillates approximately 24 revolutions per second. This is a general abbreviation for Hertz Hz wave among scientists. The frequency of the Sis as revolution per unit. The sound wave is travelling, or oscillation of pressure. When we are talking about sound waves will be referred to the de facto standard visually represented by the Wave. However, the sound of the waves stop moving. They travel constantly, only much faster – 1,100 meters per second, the waves by!

We can begin to understand sound visually, if we use some examples. Piano on "the highest Note is represented by some 2000 revolutions per second. When Polynesian blew the conch shell and "appeared in this way in the world", mit building were creating presented pattern vibrating oscillates deep, shallow Wave patterns. Low density or sounds, such as mussels moves the waves, small peaks and troughs, the space should be a high-pitch sound, such as the range of coloratura upper notes to create waves in a very exaggerated amortyzując increases and space. Dr. Winston Kock has several articles about fascinating there to produce sound by using a technique called camera Schlieren.

Although the rock is vibrating, although we cannot observe the quality because there is no human sound range. Scientists actually find many objects, inanimate, and even plant vibratory plates, courses that fact to be proved, but must be representative of the course is visually, because the human ear is not able to during the hearings, the specific sounds. You should consider the sensitivity of your favourite training dogs ears the sound or the area of dolphins – beware they sound a few thousand times exceeds the limited possibilities of sound.

When we start body through the breath and vibratory mantra of quality changes, we can begin to converge, and then start this "Wave" to those around us. We will actually be a requirement of our myötämielisesti static. 

Vibration benevolently is one of the, which is often the same or multiple Harmonic frequencies. For example, if the tuning fork hits, the second fork begins to vibrate vibration several times in the immediate vicinity of the original with the tunin fork, even if the second fork ever Touched. Oscillation of flow or first in one direction and then another is to mimick.