Yoga is a great practical self-culture. Yoga is an exact science. It is designed for the harmonious development of body, mind and soul. Yoga is transforming the feelings of the universe is and the mind through concentration. Yoga is eternal life, soul and spirit. Yoga is to control the mind and its amendments.The Yoga path, which is the inner path is the gateway to your heart.

This helps to coordinate and manage the subtle forces inside the body. Yoga brings perfection, peace and eternal happiness.

Yoga can help your business and your daily life. You can have peace of mind all the time the practice of yoga. You can have a calm sleep. You can increase energy, vigour, vitality, longevity and a high level of health. Yogi transmutes nature of the animals on the nature of God and brings you to the top of God's glory and greatness.

Regular practice of Yoga will help you to control the emotions and passions and give you to resist temptations and to bridge the disconcerting form elements of mind power. This will allow you to maintain a balanced mind is always on and remove fatigue. It provides you with calm, tranquility and excellent strength.This will allow you to be in communion with the Lord.

However, in order to succeed in yoga, it is very necessary to abandon all worldly enjoyments and to practice tapas and brahmacharya. Control of the mind, you need to be skillful and tactfully. You have to use a rational and intelligent approaches for deterrence purposes. If you use force, it will become more Turbulent and naughty. It cannot be managed by force. He will go and drift no more. Those who are trying to control the power of the mind, as those who seek to bind rage elephant thin silken thread.

Thus, yoga is a spiritual liberation from this participation in the system, the material is trapped in a mental and physical processes. This is the recovery effect of spiritual consciousness, the pure pristine condition in its original state. The thesis of the Yoga, based on direct experience, which became his expounders of the true nature of your real and fundamental nature, is pure bliss. This is a clean world. This Anand and Santi.Not to grieve. Not suffering. Not to grieve. do not fear. Not mixing. No tears. However, peace and joy. This is necessary, first of all, to clear some misconceptions, yoga, is widespread, particularly among some sections of the West. Yoga is not magic or feat of all types, physical or mental in nature.

Yoga is based on a solid philosophy and deep psychology. This training process in which the human mind is trained to become more and more natural and unnatural living conditions for convex. Yoga is particularly psychology and "self-defense" test, it goes beyond the common and abnormal psychology, and offers the supernatural quality of life. In yoga we learn to ourselves while our Panel, we were told that the investigation.

Yoga's aim is to try to get back the man his pristine condition excellent bliss; and this is
not freeing man from his participation in the body, feelings and thoughts. The participation itself is the main reason for keep from the same, there is a serious obstacle to the achievement of this yoga experience, science says is right here, right now at this time. To become liberated from the bondage of pain, thus ending the Union of human nature with pain is yoga.