Hatha Yoga:

Hatha Yoga, also known as Hatha vidya is a system that was introduced by Yogi Yogi Swatmarama, Sage of Hindu India in the 15th century, and the compiler of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika yoga.

"The word" Hatha "esoteric can tell from the Sanskrit terms" Ha "meaning" Sun "and" Italian "meaning" Moon ". Thus, Hatha Yoga is known as the branches of Yoga unites pairs of opposites referring to positive (Sunday) and negative (Moon) flow in the system. " However, historically the term Hatha refers to the use of force or persistence, and Monier-Williams dictionary translates as "a sort of by haṭhayoga forced Yoga or meditation mental abstraction (forced to withdraw from the external object; treatment reduced in Svātmārāma and Haṭha-made with many self-pradīpikā of torture, such as standing on one foot, holding onto the arm, inhaling smoke with headaches & c). "

Yogi Swatmarama introduces his system as a stage to prepare for the purification of the physical body for higher meditation or Yoga practice. It is based on asanas (postures) and pranayama (breathing techniques, also called shatkarma). Hatha Yoga has become popular in the West in the second half of the 20th century, and is often referred to simply as "Yoga" in the framework of the health and fitness.


The most comprehensive text of Hatha Yoga is the Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Yogi Yogi Swatmarama.However, this work is derived from older Sanskrit texts on yoga besides Yogi Swatmarama yoga Yogi's own experiences. It contains information about shatkarma (purification), asana (postures), pranayama (subtle energy control), chakras (energy centers), kundalini (instinct), bandhas (muscle strength), kriyas (techniques; manifestations of kundalini), shakti (Holy power), Nadi (channel) and mudras as (symbolic gestures) among other topics.

Traditionally, Lord Shiva was propounding Hatha Yoga. It is said that on a lonely island, assuming that no one else will hear him, he gave the knowledge of Hatha Yoga to goddess Parvati, but still an entire presentation, listening to throughout the rest. Lord Shiva took mercy on fish (Matsya) and makes him a pass, which was known as Matsyendranaatha. Matsyendranaatha taught Hatha Yoga to Chaurangi, a hand and feet by Matsyendranaatha just by looking at him. Hatha Yoga Pradipika mentions Adi Matsyendranath, Gorakshanath Adinatha and many other Yoga became famous hatha Yoga.

Many modern schools of Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, Hatha Yoga has its roots in the school who taught from 1924 until his death in 1989. Among his prominent students of yoga in the West have blamed Sri k. Pattabhi Jois, is famous for turning the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga style, b.k.s Iyengar who strongly stressed the link ... and use props, Indra Devi, and Krishnamacharya's son developed the Viniyoga style Desikachar.Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram in Chennai T.K.V., Desikachar founded with the purpose of posting the heritage of yoga as taught by Krishnamacharya.

Another great influence was Swami Sivananda flow Rishikesh (1887-1963) and many of his disciples include, among others, the founder of Swami Vishnu-devananda-International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta out Chinese mind; Swami F Satyananda Yoga School of Bihar; and Swami Satchidananda-integral Yoga.

The concept:

Traditional Hatha Yoga is a holistic yogic path, including subjects, physical postures (asana), procedures of purification (shatkriya), postures (mudra), breathing (pranayama) and meditation. Hatha Yoga predominantly practiced in the West consists of mostly asanas understood as physical exercises. It is also recognized as a practice to reduce stress.

Hatha Yoga is one of the two branches of yoga that focuses on the physical culture, the other is raja yoga. Both often referred to as sadanga yoga, i.e., yoga of six parts (' sad ' meaning six and limbs, meaning ' anga '). Six limbs are described in detail below. Svatmarama emphasizes many times in his Hathapradipika text that there is no raja yoga without Hatha Yoga and Hatha Yoga without raja yoga. The main difference is that raja yoga uses asanas mainly the body ready for prolonged meditation, and therefore set out to focus more on the meditative asana: the Lotus posture (padmasana), attitude (siddhasana), sukha (Sukhasana) and pelvic posture (vajrasana). Hatha Yoga utilizes not only meditative postures, but also cultural postures. In addition, the use of pranayama raja yoga is also devoid of extensive locks (bandha).