There are dozens of Hollywood stars after the guru's Lotus feet and needing Western preserve handlowe extends popular Yogas which simply increases the health of humans is still yoga. System for Eye and Ear Control of the mind body and soul between the Indians and many other beliefs and since more than five thousand million years results in the form of significant popular Yoga outside India. Particularly in the West during the last century.

Yoga is a form of mysticism, which built the Indian subcontinent, in the context of Hindu early years are difficult to trace because of yoga from a lack of evidence. One meaning of Yoga comes from the Sanskrit "Yuj", which is interpreted as a "typical" or "individual life" Cosmos or manually.

Since the purpose of Yoga that importance sequence of your computer near the unit is both philosophical and practical approach to achieve optimal state. On the one hand, the philosophy of yoga in the relationship management both individual and global in this practitioner Philophy universe (medical) enjoins the graduated path to enlightenment and their practices concerning the exercise or activity that is closer to the doctor (medical) Yoga, self-realization.

The paths of Yoga:

Special practical Yoga techniques have been developed by experts in yoga is divided into their traditionally four types or paths: ofmeditation path (King of Yoga), the path of devotion (Bhakti Yoga), the path of selfless service to Divine (kamyo?), and the path of intellectual analysis or discrete facts and reality (Jnana Yoga).
These Yoga techniques cover activities involving operations of mental and spiritual.

Raja Yoga: 

Meditational techniques involving psycho physical experience of the truth and final Liberation described in Hinduism is moksha. Basis of Ashtanga Yoga is the Yoga sutras of Patanjali (Sanskrit verses), we will consider the remaining issues of Yoga under the guidance of master Patanjali Yoga (Ashtanga Yoga) Yoga and Raja Yoga, is a comprehensive system of human behaviour and personality by improving practices Yama (all you can eat!) and Niyama (branch); The wisdom of the body health and vitality through the (Hot) Asana and pranayama (breathing techniques pranic); Managing mental and conflicts and the development of knowledge and meditation through the Pratyahara (sensory withdrawal), Dharana (concentration); and developing the creative aspect of awareness to transcendental consciousness by Dhyan (meditation) and concentration (the global identity of the khoi)

Bhakti Yoga: Bhakti Yoga is a spiritual practice of fostering Hindu for of devotion Dear God, traditionally known as Bhakti Yoga bhakti 9 form.

Sravana (Lilas and heard the story of God), Kirtana (vocals by his glory) and Smarana (the memory of his name and presence), Padasevana (his feet), Archana (worship of God), Vandana (prostration to God), Dasya (cultivating Bhava man of God), Sakhya (growing friends Bhava) and Atmanivedana (full transfer itself) there are nine forms of Bhakti as a way of life attains the Supreme perfect developers. The detector, which can be served in any one of these routes and the State. Path of Bhakti is the easiest of all and few compared to the natural inclinations of man.

• Focus on Shell to kamyo Kawashima (Dharma) while remaining tax awards. Karma refers to the action, including action performed by another person, from birth until death, "Karma Yoga is a selfless love, loyalty in all external activities as a sacrifice to God for all. Presentation of Niran underlying all the power of life and the austerities Bhagavad Gita. The practice of yoga in the aftermath of each becomes true asylum Act of spiritual and realizes his true nature, Atman, and lives in the world. Work for the world, as well as by the grossness of pleasure are so enormous social freedom is good while on his path to salvation and spiritual.

Swami Sivananda Yoga Venanda Central is the fifth kamyo?:

The Willing
What is does not expect that attitude during this operation, if the task is active, such as? kamyo or liberating binding.
Spur on the right side.
The same position. Don't do the monarchs, but the motive power of the truth behind it.
Whether your company.
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