Tada Asana (mountain Pose):

• Stand erect, interlocking hands.
• Inhale deeply and, simultaneously, the linked hands and jumps.
• Be attitude with internal storage for a few seconds.
• The overthrow of the then relief leaps and hand. Expires. This is round Tada Asana.

This must be done to ensure the proper functioning of the body, especially the blood circulation, which should readjust the standard conditions.
Shava Asana without fail, when you fill in Tada Asana.

The Advantages Of Tada Asana:

• By the action of gravity, the brain gets richer offer blood pressure slightly larger. The result of the capillaries and capillary dilation opens well blocked.
• In view of the increased amount of blood to the brain, brain cells are well nourished and rejuvenated.
• Due to strong action by the release of blood, the accumulated toxins and waste effectively also are removed from the brain. It helps the tear of the deposits of cholesterol, which tend to accumulate on the floor of the blood vessels. These deposits are closely linked with the presence of blood clots (coronary thrombosis).
• Improve and maintain good physical and mental health.
• Psycho-physiological mechanism affects all of the body. Produces immediate sedation and powerful of the nervous system.
• Paranormal powers as telepathy, clairvoyance, etc. are developed, if this Asana is held by a significant number of years of long-lasting.
• Slow or stagnant blood in the abdomen, lungs and blood flow of the genital organs is replaced with a good, which therefore eliminates the fatigue caused the purified in these areas.
• Liver functions and other digestive organs are activated through the enhanced blood circulation improves the digestive powers by congestion.
• Urinary problems kidney and intestine are decongested and are eliminated to receive increased blood circulation.
• How one grows, sex glands are likely to accumulate the stagnant blood, which causes the loss of functional efficiency. It is the consistent practice of the sex glands and improves the performance of this Asana activates sexual activities.
• Increasing blood flow to the eyes and ears and improve its functioning.
• Small facial wrinkles eliminated, allows one to maintain a youthful appearance.
• Regular this Asana practice over a long period hampers grey hair.
• Downward displacement of the abdominal organs because the upward movement of the diaphragm (visceroptosis) shall be adjusted during this Asana. The abdominal organs like the stomach, liver, kidney, spleen, pancreas, etc are massaged.
• Ensures tranquility and serenity of spirit.
• Psychosomatic disease cure.
• Other cures for diseases such as headache, mild asthma, poor hearing, constipation, dyspepsia, enlarged liver, varicose veins, diabetes, arthritis, prolapses of the genital organs, etc.
• Women's issues during menstruation and menopause and some sexual disorders are corrected.
• People who suffer from insomnia, faulty memory and loss of vitality may derive maximum benefit from this Asana. Will become sources of energy.
• Provides performance of resistance for the lungs to climatic conditions.
• The Doctor coughs, tonsillitis is almost free from the cold, and bad breath.
• Keeps the body warm.
• Improves blood hemoglobin content.
• Regular doctor wins the balance of mind, get a sense of self-confidence and improves the courage to face the undesirable situations in life.
• Does your neck, powerful thighs and abdominal wall. The thorax is fully expanded.
• Revitalizes all bodily systems through an increase in the flow of blood to the brain and pituitary gland, which is responsible for correcting the many forms of disorders of the nervous system and glandular.
• One sexual awakening of Kundalini Shakti Asanas and sublimate energy best to help.

Activate a subconscious:

This Asana Asanas is considered to be the King of all and it is widely proven in many advantages, which confers the doctor.

As soon as it has a tremendous therapeutic effects on treatment of various diseases, patients can cure their diseases this Asana practice correctly. This would suggest the same for the final approach as follows:

"They were going to make good of my illness."

This is one of the best Asanas to improve memory and intelligence. Therefore, young people, you can use this autosuggestion:

"This Asana increases my memory and intelligence".
Similarly, the principle of allowing the subconscious can apply on the basis of the needs of the individual practitioner.

The preventive measures:

This Asana is carried out very carefully; otherwise the doctor may fall and hurt your body. It would never even attempted without the proper guidance of a specialist.
People suffering from hypertension and heart disease should not perform this Asana.