Raja Yoga:

Raja Yoga literally means King of Sciences. It's very large title branch of Yoga is not as popular or well known as the others, and that sometimes seem obscure. This article is to explain the raja yoga, examination of the basic philosophy and what is most important for its significance for us in today's world.

The origin of the raja Yoga:

Yoga comes from the Sanskrit root yuj which means yoke or unite. This Union describes the purpose of yoga is to unite us with the ultimate awareness, which is sometimes called absolute, even, God, or creator.Raja meaning King, and this form of Yoga is referred to raja yoga, because the mind must be King between authorities. Its origin goes back long before written texts. The old system or the science of things (Prophet), to assist them in the implementation of the self or God through meditation and related procedures. First introduced in the rishi who lived before the many thousands of years ago. Discovered methods practical that people can develop their highest nature. Then he began to coach of. Later, around 2000 years ago, the ancient practice of yoga has been compiled and summarized in Patanjali2, in hisYoga sutras. While raja Yoga encompasses all eight stages of Patanjali's Yoga-Yama, niyama, asana, Pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi — focuses on the last two steps: the mind, meditation, and dive into the internal space. For centuries, and until the present raja Yoga Resume, thanks to the practical experience with great sages.

Perception and the perception of the mind that our tool:

In raja yoga is the brain a tool for viewing in and recognition of the Interior. Read a description of the ancient yogic philosophy on how they perceive our minds in the world, we could blame thinking that we in modern biology or medical grade, with the exception of mention of the soul.

How they perceive our minds are described in steps3 (see diagram right). The brain is only a tool that the soul works with the world, including the physical body. This internal mental tool that includes all the processes are described (see below) is called in yoga chitta. Chitta is often described as Lake and Lake in the mind to think, the waves rise up and fall away as a result of the impression that we from the outside world, so that sometimes the mind is restless and unstable, and sometimes it is stationary, as well as the surface of the Lake. When on the surface of the brain of the Lake is very upset, because many of the ideas are rising like waves, we can't see the bottom of the Lake. We are just a glimpse of the bottom, when the waves have subsided and the sea is calm. Think of at the bottom of the Lake as the inner, spiritual Center.In raja Yoga to uncover, we need to calm the waves of thought in the mind of the Lake. When we put our attention in the outside world, sense organs continuously and pulling her views, creating waves of thinking through the mind of the Lake, which leads to failure. So the first step of raja Yoga is to regulate the mind: the external tendency of the mind and allow some attention back inside.

He turned his attention in mind:

Great prophets, sages and yogis found divinity and wisdom through inner experience and raja Yoga teaches us to discover how to experience to observe internal States through daily practice of meditation. The tool is the mind itself. The study of mind and the mind shines. From our childhood, we were learning to pay attention to the outer world. Most of us have little conscious of our inner world, but the process is not difficult, the same method of observation are necessary for the understanding of the inner world as external, outer world. In raja yoga, we rely on the use of observation, discrimination, and to learn from experience, as well as in other sciences. It's like sunlight shines in caves, which are kept in the dark – lighting is coming.There's nothing secret or mysterious. In fact, Swami Vivekananda writes: "what is the secret and mysterious in this system of Yoga should be rejected. Guide to the best in life. In spirituality, as in all other cases to discard everything you will weaken. They have nothing to do with her. Apparently, weakens the human brain.That would ruin the yoga, one of the most impressive of the subjects. 

In raja Yoga, we are to believe anything, because everything is based on practical experience. We can begin to understand themselves whether we have a soul about life lasts only as long as the physical body, or is it for him, and whether there is a God: the entire direct experience. We learn many things, but this knowledge is not in and of itself. The goal is to search for a merger with the absolute ultimate yoga.