Bhakti Yoga:

Human behaviour can be compared with the bird, its elegant movement needs to do three things – two wings and the tail of the flight. Balances the wings in the air and later in its course, as a boat, in the steering gear.

Worker in love and knowledge were two wings and the tail of a meditation. When these harmonics, beautiful. Let us now to love as a spiritual discipline. It is known as Bhakti Yoga or yoga of divine love.

Love attraction that runs at various levels: material, human and spirit. People with friends, and friends, parents and children, husbands and wives; and in the spiritual unity of God's people, it rests on inanimate objects of material particles. Attraction is the real source of the spirit or God particles, by itself, cannot attract other particles. Because God is the spirit that pervades the whole universe, because he is sentient beings, into the depths I see gravity operates throughout the world. Have a lower form of appeal, such as her lover, mistress of all the attractions and sites, such as the children of the mother's appeal, the higher level is no fundamental difference. Significant differences are caused by differences in love Yes channel.

Love is the creative force, through the establishment of the intended for pleasure and immortality. I hope that joy was manly in the body brings generations and strong in mind, some create art, writing poetry and writing philosophy, organization, country or similar activities. But some of the spirit of manly, knowing God through love, the strengthening of the most beautiful. The creation of the hope that the word "become immortal.Parents expect their offspring, poets, artists, philosophers, politicians, and the scientist as immortality through their individual works. Lovers of God through Union with him eternal life.

The lovers find happiness in the United States and contraction of the ugly. Birds and animals, mating;Spring human couples looking for beautiful; and the love of God always search the United States, which is good for them. On the basis of physical attractiveness, known as the secular love, love is a short-term, non-compliant, not sufficient, because this object and all materials in the form of love, which is unstable and limited. It is under the body of the United States, external factors, such as the short name and fame, wealth, power, and the position of long duration. The fear of losing is also afraid to offend the most love her love. Or also inherently unnatural, ports jealous elements. In addition, the worldly love and constantly changing. The child focuses on his mother. He grew up, he became interested in students. And then he married, and his wife filled the heart.

The next step is for the kids. I love the sky, a clear picture of the people's religion, a form of matter is a paradise of love; the inhabitants of the sky, enjoy the samplesThe difference between the joy in heaven and on Earth is not one, but only to the extent; life in heaven, the Earth is the extension of life. The worship of God is a materialist, if looking for physical pleasure and outside.

On the basis of knowledge about gravity is more objective and enduring love. Therefore, if their supporting common philosophy, art, or other intellectual property interest in friendship or love between a man and a woman, it will take more than he loved the physical factors, which contains the seeds of rapid deterioration.It is a common observation is more intellectual development of human life, likes less sensory objects. No one likes food as very happy as a dog or a pig. Animal life consists entirely of the senses, which in many cases, it is to humans. Primitive people had more luck from the physical object than an educated man, but denied that he was given the field of music, philosophy, or science of happiness. Intellectual property rights of future generations is love love more acceptable than those from the body. Countries may compare the intellectual property rights of future generations of the descendants of Homer, elsewhere, Beethoven, Asoka or up · Finch did?

Is immortality; The immortality of the intellectual property rights of future generations is infinitely more permanent physical descendants vested. The immortality of the intellectual property rights, is also a relative.The most satisfied with is the love of God; and the correlation of God's love is eternal because God is immortal. No traces of the ugly, for God is a pure reflection of her beauty, beautiful body and source of intellectual creation. When all other forms of God's love filled heart love pale tiny.