Mantra Yoga:

The Mantra yoga, and with the acquisition of one or another material or mental power or powers, through the constant repetition of a mantra or oral formula to attract energy presiding deities, or like a mantra refers to, and then press the power of the entry into service, good or bad, according to the will and pleasure of the practitioner. One, which uses these powers of evil and do harm to the other often leads to the risk of self-sacrifice, and usually falls prey the wrath of the goddess. Those who employ these powers for selfish motives, with the purpose of making for himself at the expense of other, very soon lost its strength, and eventually destroys himself. These powers, however, can be conveniently used for the other, and not much damage, even if it may cause the loss of some vital energy of every such negotiations. All types of miracles the lowest regulations, such as tanks, the tanks, read bonus system, the treatment of the faith, in particular in cases of nervous and mental disease, fall into this category.

Therefore, it is much better to avoid such things and absolutely psychic abilities one can obtain the and use it to win at least a lower spiritual plane regions, representing the seat of the person concerned in a spirit of unselfish dedication deities. All mental powers, and functions, without incurring losses, according to their own adoption. However, it should be borne in mind that repetition of Mantras per bears no fruit, in addition to having the full attention on specific Mantras, and with intense loyalty to you, which you can create a specific vibration. Mantra yoga, in itself, however, not every value in the seberealizací and often, those who practice this form of Yoga remain entangled sometimes useless pages of the same coin, one form or another, as described above, with no great advantage in their own upliftment or soul.

As regards the performance of the mantra of siddhis or supernatural forces from the effectiveness of meditation on the Mantras, sutras, Patanjali, in his writing is a specific warning to act: they are obstacles to the Samadhi, the powers, but in a secular State.

Mantra Yoga is Yoga rhythmic 0f 0f recurrence formulas of the sealed sacred and secret drawn up by the ancient mantrakaras (Adepts on the phonetic and sounds, including the supersonics or sounds can human ken), each specifically designed to win over a specific God or goddess, representing one or the other powers of nature. May be carried out with or without the aid of Rosary Rudrakhsha who Shaivites or from Tulsi Beads used by Vaishnavites.

The mantra is the vibration. The Holy Vedic Sanskrit mantra:; It is, and Gayatri. It is the Mool mantra and therefore considered the first importance. Its essence is said to be United and his violový or recurrence was given command of all the Hindus from a very early age. The simplest and most effective is the sacred syllable Om, symbolizes the creative life of objects, ourselves, and thus most Mantras begin as the fear of syllable. Advaitists, which sees God internal in all forms, and the pervasive power of believe in the mantra of identification with the Parmatman: ham Asmi (I am Brahman), Braham and Ayam Athma Brahman (I); and these are often abbreviated to the Soham murderer or Sohang and Hansa or ham, and means "I" and "he's a Vedantist Ii", "repeat Tat Sat (Om is truth and reality) and Buddhists to Mani Padmé Hum. Mantras are dedicated or on this or that deity in propitiation of worship, praise, or defensive weapons for boons for more in size.

The mantra of efficiency depends on its correct pronunciation, an appreciation of its importance, which is often very deep, the correct position of the persons employed in the Mantra yoga, and in the period of eligibility or Guru, who has mastered not only the technology, but with a positive result in the seeds of the power is hidden in the heart of the mantra, and can offer as prasad or gift of mercy to his disciple.

One of the mantras about rapid results, fructify in time for their own and bear fruit, according to the profit of the person concernedSome of them, however, is forbidden and therefore harmful, and often harmful.

The impact of the mantra, also depends on how it is carried out violový. Violový in a whisper, considered the sword than the what I said out loud and violový in low noise is even better, while mansic violový with the language of freedom of thought is the most deserving.