Dhanur Asana:

Dharunasa is a yogic depth Asana, which is known as the bow pose in English. Also known as Chakrasana. You must be your kõhurasva this Asana and dimension in the legs and then lift your leg, which includes the bow, which gives the name to the shape of the bow pose.

Procedure for Dhanurasana:

  • Matt be placed on the floor and then to lie on your stomach Matt
  • If you keep your feet and legs, slowly bend o
  • now your hands, keep your feet, your ankles
  • raised inhale, to carry both your feet in the air with their hands to thighs floor surface. If you do this, lift up your head, shoulders and chest, then at the floors and upwards. As you expand your back on the base of your spine. Back to extension may not be back muscles and your hands are not.
  • Keep it over a period of five to eight seconds was originally made. If you start to each day practicing this duration may be increased by Dhanurasana.
  • now takes an arc shape and the body in the abdominal and pelvic hollow cavities, only parts of the area, which is located on the floor. Whole body weight-bearing area of the heel.

Duration of Dhanurasana:

Dhanurasana practicing time depends on you how long you are able to perform this asana. But this should be practiced Asana is not beyond the limitations of the body. If you increase, there is a practicing days of automatic participation feet that will help you to remain in that position over a long period.

Dhanurasana medical benefits:

Dhanurasana regular exercise will help to strengthen the abdominal muscles. Thus proves useful Dhanurasana will help to extend the people suffering from respiratory diseases such as asthma, breast muscles. It gives and massages the internal organs, particularly the reliance on process. The massages back muscles and improves the flexibility of the spine, processing capacity. It strengthens the kidneys and is useful for individuals who are suffering from constipation and diabetes.

Thus we see that the benefits of bow pose is Dhanurasana, or difficulties of the practitioner. However, this is not a back problem and Asana, cervical spondylitis and suitable for people suffering from a hernia.