Yoga therapy for asthma:

Tests carried out by the Yoga Therapy Center in the world, showing excellent results in the curing of asthma. In some cases, also found that the attacks may be actually deleted, without the aid of drugs, just using yoga practice. The research evidence of Yoga therapy treatment is more successful. Homeopathic doctors have arrived to chemically synthesised and today still, the consensus is that Yoga is a great alternative therapy for asthma. Pranayama is a great way to take control of your breath to prevent asthma attacks.

10 Yoga Asana to reduce asthma:


Sit with your knees bent and his strong backbone. Place the blocks in their extensive hand on either side of the hips. Then he put his hands on the block. Sit on the seat bones.
Straighten each leg, one after the other, and connect your legs and bend the legs to the inside edge. Calf muscles lengthen and stretch your elbows and fingers. Straight to your knees. Press your palms to stretch your elbows and hands, and blocks.

Lift up your belly, releasing the tension of the diaphragm. Hold the pose for one minute. Beginners may find it easier to separate the legs a bit and should keep leads only 30 seconds.


Sit on the strengthening of the position at right angles to your body. Place next to your thighs. To Dandasan Sit. Bend your knees and join the two soles. Pull your heels closer to strengthen. Beginners may find it easier to use at the same time to strengthen the position of the hips.

Push the knees away from each other and gradually to reduce them to the blocks. Open your chest and do a belly. Originally it was 1 minute. Gradually increase the duration of Asana for 5 minutes.


Sit against the wall. Then your shoulders and back touching the wall to Dandasan sit. Save your back erect.Sit on the seat bones. Place your palms on the floor next to your hips, fingers pointing forward. Look straight ahead.

Press your palms on the floor to push up your torso. Exhale and spread my legs as far as possible. Using the hands, one that helps you push your legs more on both sides.

Move your hands behind your seat and place your hands on the floor. Press your heel on the floor and rising. Pick up your passport and your torso sideways. Transform your thighs, kneecaps, the forward ceiling.Move your weight on the hips, pelvic bones. Stretch each leg from hip to heel. 30-40 seconds to hold the position.


Insert the 2 pillows parallel to the floor. Kneel on the head, keeping your knees together. Instead of rolled and folded blanket under her blanket on its shank hips. Sit back in an upright position.
Keep your chest. Imagine, squeezing the kidneys and drawing them into the body. Place your palms on your knees. Look straight ahead. Stay in the position for 30-60 seconds.


To Dandasan Sit. The space behind your quick tip on your buttocks, strengthen and folded blanket placed on the end. 2 wooden blocks placed on the their wide margins on each side of your hips. Bend your knees and soles of your feet to join. Draw your heels to your groin. Buckles and eyelets on your shoulders.

Go down to below the waist belt. Bring it in line with both feet inside of the thighs and ankles, they go across. Move your feet towards your groin. It doesn't seem too tight nor too loose belt, so adjust accordingly.Make sure that, in order to strengthen your buttocks. Place the blocks in each thigh.

Place your elbows on the floor and cut your head back and forth to strengthen. Be sure to provide easy-to-back and the length of the head. The strengthening of the Centre should be your spine. The arm to the side with the palms facing the ceiling. Relax, and extend their groin from both sides. Feel the tension and relieve pelvic extension in your ankles and knees. Initially, with practice, increase the duration to 5-10 minutes.


Kneel and place it in the strengthening of Virasan for you, short after touching the buttocks. Place a rolled blanket to the end. Make sure that your feet touch the inside edge of the hips. Straight back. Place your fingers on the floor next to your fingers.

Press your palms on the floor, bend, bend and lean back against strengthening. Insert your elbows and forearms, one after the other, on the floor. Strengthen your back gradually. To avoid strain or the femur the pelvic area, make sure that the path remains firmly on the floor.

Cut back to strengthen the position of the head rolled back on the trail. Keep your chest, fully extracted. Push your shoulder blades to increase the lift your chest. Extend your toes and ankles from the side of support.Push your legs DUTY