Uttan Asana:

Start a Squatting (see section Squatting) is a good way to prepare Uttanasana. Squatting position refers to abdominal skin thigh skin. The transition from the community, shall be placed in the hands on the floor of Uttanasana and begin to straighten the legs of any degree can be at the same time, however, keep your thigh is parallel to the abdominal skin. Abdominal skin (or, preferably, in front of you, the lower ribs) your thigh is parallel to "this game." Allowing the hips to rest on his groin prevents lower back fatigue. If you get to where you start to separate the skin from the abdominal skin of the thigh. This is your "edge." This is where you can restrict your Hamstring flexibility.

You can stop and just hang out at that time, both knees holding hands, and time before you add more activities to relax.

After relaxing for a while, you can gently grabbed my ankles and calves and move some of your hamstrings having carefully considered the voltage does not begin with a low back strain your redirect. Keep your knees bent, the tension without back as much as necessary. If your hamstrings are properly connected, and you can straighten your elbows slightly, only to the extent that you are trying to force compliance with directly from your lower back strain may issue on your feet. Is "fair". In an effort to straighten the legs too fast ignorance or greed (= pride). I admit that there is a close and that on the back of the body. There is no harm.

Finally, you can still flood waters while preserving your abdomen, hips resting entirely on your feet. If you are bending the knees and your feet will not be able to stretch the hamstrings and opens completely discounts, even if they stretch and open easily. So, is present in the original work and, finally, I want to go to, represent the classical work. But in fact represent the same heating and they also home for a week or a month before you as the classical legged Uttanasana yoga practice in preparation for release.

Legs and feet:

Are your feet hip width apart, at least in the early months of practice putting. Even after you are able to with your feet together, is good for their first two or three Uttanasanas each class your feet wide hip and how you become warmer later in class, compile your feet. Note that "feet hip-width" must be moved to the position of the feet perpendicular to the floor, is closer than most people think their bodies together. Verify that the mirror itself. Finally, the flexibility that allows you to get your feet, your ankles in accordance with the internal parallel Tadasana. In General, if you have your feet apart, and if you keep your elbows with your feet together, you can put your hands on the floor, although there may be reasons why you may do otherwise.

Taking your feet hip width helps to soften the lilldekooriga, it is easier to balance, and to facilitate the open thighs and backs the hamstrings. Together with the elbows and feet being abdominal organs more mixing, whereas the toning purely. To make this mess with your feet apart, releasing the abdominal muscles and internal organs have more.

Tadasana creates your feet. All legs wide spread but not fastening to the floor. Lift up your legs, ankles.equally between the inner and outer. Straightening the knees completely without hyperextending. Your weight should be evenly balanced between your feet.

Leg muscles to engage bones that all sides of Su. Draw your thigh flesh by rinsing with your community.Highlight your thigh and Hamstring muscles is your buttocks discounts. Strengthen your quadriceps muscles in the legs and pull upward and inward in his ribs, his kneecaps were lilldekooriga. Usually the active tab-elbows-they must be quick on the draw does not take into account any faster on your feet or your kneecaps with charts. Keep your thighs are completed and all. Keep the power supply to your account at the level of their trip to the bones (femur) every time they fall. Feel your thighs into your skin, your quadriceps thighbones, and all the way on your feet strongly supports. Allow this operation to extend its legs, and in particular the reduction of the thighs.

Also move all the legs and pelvis flesh skin up to the community. Increase your internal lilldekooriga on both sides of the Atlantic to raise both elbows, knees up to the outside of his hips--all four weight-bearing are equal and equally.



In considering whether to set up, the word Yoga is to better understand its initial objective. Vajrasana is one of the most simple yoga Asanas. Vajra means "Thunderbolt" or "Diamond" and Asana means posture.Vajra is a Tantric Buddhist rituals opposite Yang Yin ghanta (or bell), the code to be used.

Since no secular Jainist makes the vajra, Buddhist and Hindu rituals of the prop in the shape of the symbol used in the document.
It's so easy to do — sitting on a folding the palms and elbows resting on the thigh Vajra-Asana. You later slowly spread to one foot for an extended period of time for you and this position shall be suspended. Keep the current speed and respiring. Even if you try, the rearing of the soul standard, is in its normal speed with natural harvest! This is a very common and relatively simple and can be used to make Kallutussüsteemi.
Supta Vajrasana: this extended type and can be executed only after a complete mastery over the Diamond represent Vajrasana.

Imports a diamond clarity and substance of the Convention have been Buddhist for strength and a high level of spiritual powers are.

One who constantly do this Asana fever prevention, practice suffer from indigestion in the gut and other diseases, a very small or large.
The Centre of gravity helps the digestion supports the organs of the authority to regulate the flow of the digestive tract. It conveys the energy and in particular on the higher parts of the body to give blood. Lotus petals to find another one with 2 sets of six perfections: patience, 3 rings, generosity, discipline, effort, meditation and wisdom along with julgeolekutähist.
Yoga Yoga straps is also useful to keep the blocks in the long term to avoid muscle strain for refers to the Act and may be helpful to newcomers and experienced alike. It every day without exception and have been met, see to return to their place of residence.

The truth about Abs is a book that focuses on kõhurasva fat, flat ab workouts and six Service Pack abdominal exercises in mitigation methods. If you are concerned about the reduction of weight, lose 20 pounds, you can lose weight simply by following the tips in this 200 effective. Different people and produces good results for the pound.

Supta Vajrasana:

Sanskrit means that thunderbolt, it was Mr Indra weapon. This is called the King of all asanas in mind.These asanas are mainly related to knowledge and also increases the power of the Sympaatne of the person. Doing it on a regular basis keeps your body Asana, healthy and strong. There seems to be very easy to use, but doing it better is the key to any further action. It is important to provide an incentive for the vajra, which is directly linked to genital cancer of Sympaatne energy that modulates the person. Supta Vajrasana is known to his series, which turns out to be very useful for the provision of the necessary energy to your body are 14 asanas.

Increasing age, we have a tendency to get aggravated many diseases and pain, that in our lives. Makes it easier for people with spinal chord Asana, shoulders and the pain. This Asana is very good for women, because it helps to reduce menstrual pain and to avoid any complications during pregnancy. Supta Vajrasna may be carried out at the time of the majority. In addition to the burning sensation you can release the pelvic cavities and waist pain strain. The main moral of this Asana stimulate your mental upliftment. It is also known as a Sciatica problems, clear, and the packing slip on the disc. They are a great way to bring your mind body and unison Meditational represents the soul.

If you have a blood pressure of the Asana, you can benefit immensely. This will give you the necessary assistance and help create the spine flexible and flexible back. It tones the abdominal muscles, which in turn kõhuosast tones. If you suffer from problems such as hernia, eligible Asana. Most of the components, including your Hips Supta Vajransana stretches and diaphragm. This Asana helps to maintain a continuous activity and your feet a problem area. Give your thighs look slim. Problems, such as DNA, you will also find this Asana varicose veins and diabetes. This Asana is completely through the strengthening of its lower back, knee and kederluude. It is also useful to strengthen your legs, your muscles and calf kõhurasva stronger and toned. It helps your body to help in the future, each of the joint lubricant.

Note: this article, the reader should exercise all precautions, in addition to the provisions of this article and the site before the asanas. To avoid problems while doing the asanas, it is recommended that you consult a doctor and yoga teacher. Solely responsible for your readers, and the author of the site or not.


Tada Asana (mountain Pose):

• Stand erect, interlocking hands.
• Inhale deeply and, simultaneously, the linked hands and jumps.
• Be attitude with internal storage for a few seconds.
• The overthrow of the then relief leaps and hand. Expires. This is round Tada Asana.

This must be done to ensure the proper functioning of the body, especially the blood circulation, which should readjust the standard conditions.
Shava Asana without fail, when you fill in Tada Asana.

The Advantages Of Tada Asana:

• By the action of gravity, the brain gets richer offer blood pressure slightly larger. The result of the capillaries and capillary dilation opens well blocked.
• In view of the increased amount of blood to the brain, brain cells are well nourished and rejuvenated.
• Due to strong action by the release of blood, the accumulated toxins and waste effectively also are removed from the brain. It helps the tear of the deposits of cholesterol, which tend to accumulate on the floor of the blood vessels. These deposits are closely linked with the presence of blood clots (coronary thrombosis).
• Improve and maintain good physical and mental health.
• Psycho-physiological mechanism affects all of the body. Produces immediate sedation and powerful of the nervous system.
• Paranormal powers as telepathy, clairvoyance, etc. are developed, if this Asana is held by a significant number of years of long-lasting.
• Slow or stagnant blood in the abdomen, lungs and blood flow of the genital organs is replaced with a good, which therefore eliminates the fatigue caused the purified in these areas.
• Liver functions and other digestive organs are activated through the enhanced blood circulation improves the digestive powers by congestion.
• Urinary problems kidney and intestine are decongested and are eliminated to receive increased blood circulation.
• How one grows, sex glands are likely to accumulate the stagnant blood, which causes the loss of functional efficiency. It is the consistent practice of the sex glands and improves the performance of this Asana activates sexual activities.
• Increasing blood flow to the eyes and ears and improve its functioning.
• Small facial wrinkles eliminated, allows one to maintain a youthful appearance.
• Regular this Asana practice over a long period hampers grey hair.
• Downward displacement of the abdominal organs because the upward movement of the diaphragm (visceroptosis) shall be adjusted during this Asana. The abdominal organs like the stomach, liver, kidney, spleen, pancreas, etc are massaged.
• Ensures tranquility and serenity of spirit.
• Psychosomatic disease cure.
• Other cures for diseases such as headache, mild asthma, poor hearing, constipation, dyspepsia, enlarged liver, varicose veins, diabetes, arthritis, prolapses of the genital organs, etc.
• Women's issues during menstruation and menopause and some sexual disorders are corrected.
• People who suffer from insomnia, faulty memory and loss of vitality may derive maximum benefit from this Asana. Will become sources of energy.
• Provides performance of resistance for the lungs to climatic conditions.
• The Doctor coughs, tonsillitis is almost free from the cold, and bad breath.
• Keeps the body warm.
• Improves blood hemoglobin content.
• Regular doctor wins the balance of mind, get a sense of self-confidence and improves the courage to face the undesirable situations in life.
• Does your neck, powerful thighs and abdominal wall. The thorax is fully expanded.
• Revitalizes all bodily systems through an increase in the flow of blood to the brain and pituitary gland, which is responsible for correcting the many forms of disorders of the nervous system and glandular.
• One sexual awakening of Kundalini Shakti Asanas and sublimate energy best to help.

Activate a subconscious:

This Asana Asanas is considered to be the King of all and it is widely proven in many advantages, which confers the doctor.

As soon as it has a tremendous therapeutic effects on treatment of various diseases, patients can cure their diseases this Asana practice correctly. This would suggest the same for the final approach as follows:

"They were going to make good of my illness."

This is one of the best Asanas to improve memory and intelligence. Therefore, young people, you can use this autosuggestion:

"This Asana increases my memory and intelligence".
Similarly, the principle of allowing the subconscious can apply on the basis of the needs of the individual practitioner.

The preventive measures:

This Asana is carried out very carefully; otherwise the doctor may fall and hurt your body. It would never even attempted without the proper guidance of a specialist.
People suffering from hypertension and heart disease should not perform this Asana.


Matsya Asana:

Matsya Asana means fishing postures. 
Is called the fish, as this position fills the lungs with air, improve the ability to float in the water. Matsyasana provides a backward snippet to the cervical spine and lumbar regions on his back and chest completely. Values of some asanas are maximized when completed in succession. This asana gives maximum advantage when executed after Sarvanga Asana (posture of Shoulderstand).

There are two methods to do this asana. A fold or return the head and neck area, combined with the Lotus posture (Asana Padma). The second method is easier without the Lotus posture and can be practiced by anyone.

Method 1 with Lotus posture:

  • Sit in the Lotus posture, with your right foot on the left thigh and left foot on the right thigh, as shown in the figure. Sit erect with the knee touches the ground.
  • Lie down on the floor, drag a little Palms backward and bend your elbows to support the weight of the body. Move an elbow on a date to allow the entire come back to the ground. Breathe normally.
  • Bring your Pith underneath of hips and buttocks. Bend your elbows at the same time.
  • Raise your head and fold it against the floor, so that only the top of the head (Crown) touches the ground.
  • Try to make an arc between the Crown and the flank (the upper region of the hip and waist), giving a boost with the palms of the hands to the hip. In this position, your body weight is based on two points-head and hip.
  • Bring your palms to keep the feet and toes. Now you're in the perfect fish postures. Breathe normally and remain in that position in 6-8 seconds.
  • To return, leaving the fingers and bring your palms to the hips. Bend your elbows and support weight on them.
  • Raising the head, stretching the neck and put them back on the floor.
  • Unfold the legs Lotus posture and stretch them out straight. Put your hands on the floor and relax. You have completed a cycle of postures of fish.

Method 2 without Lotus posture:

  • Lie back on the floor with your legs stretched out and palm trees near the body on both sides.
  • Fold the legs at the knees. Bring heels closer to the buttocks. Keep the knees and heels together.
  • Bring Palmer below hips. Bend your elbows and lift the head to the ground. Your body weight should rest on your elbows.
  • Put the Crown on the ground. Try to make an arc between the Crown and the flank (the upper region of the hip and waist), providing support for elbows and palms on the floor.
  • Remain in this position on 6-8 seconds. Breathe normally. In this position, the weight of the body resting on the head, back and partially in heels.
  • To return, bringing back your Pith underneath the hip and bend your elbows. Now lifting the head up for the first time and bring it and the neck of the word.
  • Bring your palms and arm back to Word and stretch them now stretch your legs and relax.


Dhanur Asana:

Dharunasa is a yogic depth Asana, which is known as the bow pose in English. Also known as Chakrasana. You must be your kõhurasva this Asana and dimension in the legs and then lift your leg, which includes the bow, which gives the name to the shape of the bow pose.

Procedure for Dhanurasana:

  • Matt be placed on the floor and then to lie on your stomach Matt
  • If you keep your feet and legs, slowly bend o
  • now your hands, keep your feet, your ankles
  • raised inhale, to carry both your feet in the air with their hands to thighs floor surface. If you do this, lift up your head, shoulders and chest, then at the floors and upwards. As you expand your back on the base of your spine. Back to extension may not be back muscles and your hands are not.
  • Keep it over a period of five to eight seconds was originally made. If you start to each day practicing this duration may be increased by Dhanurasana.
  • now takes an arc shape and the body in the abdominal and pelvic hollow cavities, only parts of the area, which is located on the floor. Whole body weight-bearing area of the heel.

Duration of Dhanurasana:

Dhanurasana practicing time depends on you how long you are able to perform this asana. But this should be practiced Asana is not beyond the limitations of the body. If you increase, there is a practicing days of automatic participation feet that will help you to remain in that position over a long period.

Dhanurasana medical benefits:

Dhanurasana regular exercise will help to strengthen the abdominal muscles. Thus proves useful Dhanurasana will help to extend the people suffering from respiratory diseases such as asthma, breast muscles. It gives and massages the internal organs, particularly the reliance on process. The massages back muscles and improves the flexibility of the spine, processing capacity. It strengthens the kidneys and is useful for individuals who are suffering from constipation and diabetes.

Thus we see that the benefits of bow pose is Dhanurasana, or difficulties of the practitioner. However, this is not a back problem and Asana, cervical spondylitis and suitable for people suffering from a hernia.


Kriya Yoga:

The word Kriya is composed of two syllables, kri and yâ. The Sanskrit kri, karma, the activities of the elements and yâ-dhatu means orAtma soul. The word Kriya or karma the soul shows prâna activities. The first and most important measure is the soul breath.

The word Yoga comes from Sanskrit yuj, meaning that the European Union. Kriya Yoga, the soul of the individual spirit. Union is to achieve a Union of the soul and soul cause and fell. In other words, the European Union, which is expressed in terms of the individual soul and Ghost: the Kriya Yoga. It is true karma.

Kriya Yoga practice is based on the soul, the brain and spinal cord. The breath is the intermediary between the mind and soul. The brain is interposed by the sense organs and mind. All through our sense organs is reflected in our physical brain, spinal cord located in the lower part of it. The lower part of the brain, which is less than that in mind, we hit a higher view of the soul, and finally from the breath of the soul (and vice versa).

The mind is connected to the brain and mind are connected and chitta. Chitta (higher mind) consists of five lines of action of the brain, or five or twenty-five, the nature of the properties for each of the two results, called the vrittis. This makes fifty types of various internal and external results-which are manifestations of chitta fiftyvrittis. Vrittis are created, the higher mind, straight chitta soul breath means. Yoga chitta-Yogâshchittavrittinirodhah is to examine the measures (Pâtanjali Yoga Sûtra I 2).

The mind is a constant flux. Our internal and external measures, but constantly and is reflected in our souls.If we are afraid to disturb our soul if we feel the joy of breath is different, it is different when we are angry, or other types of emotion. If the breath is calm, the mind is calm. This is only a breath, so that we can verify this through the country is called the chitta. The mind is close and lock key so that all the measures (vrittis), chitta and therefore has easy access to state of Yoga meditation. The winding up of the control of Chitta mind control soul is obtained.

The Kriya Yoga is based on the soul, you can use this special technique in practice all day and at any time. If it is a meditation session, may be carried out whenever you have time.

Kriya technique:

Kriya Yoga teaching is gradually. It is divided into six stages, the first the second Kriya Kriya, and so on. For beginners, starting with the first Kriya. First, the Fund is the Kriya that will allow you to progress through the spiritual path of any religion followers. Provides access to the knowledge of body and soul and the chakras.Allows understanding and the gross mass of the body, kuppelhoone and causal. Later, after the period and to achieve the necessary practized on a regular basis a high level of expertise, one may accept the second Kriya and, consequently, higher level of Kriya, progress has been made.

Describes Kriya Yoga and the words would be negligible. You will understand, in fact, only through practice.If you want to know what apple is a simple description is not enough. Fruit, touch, taste, then you actually and quickly understand what Apple is. The same is true of Kriya Yoga.

The Ultimate Goal Of The:

Iswara pranidhana (at any time, the practice of Breath control) provides a consistent practice for the siddhi (path), Samadhi. Incoming-outgoing breath of the soul is the right gear, ra-light is between the two. isvara gives life and fills itself.

Iswara pranidhana means that continuously following the breath entering and practice which amorphous institution of a Member State. Then the divine light or lasting life during the liberation of Nirvana. If Jesus Christ in the Bible: "you can't see, smell or God, but you may be".

Effects on life:

Shakti Prana (life force) trade flows from top to bottom and bottom-up, on the contrary, the spine of the binder. In this way all the chakra (centres) connect to the power vacuum. The first and the second method is known as Yama Patanjala Yoga pranam and which meet the Sutra. Yama means background checks or sâmyam. Nothing can be checked without root is derived from our spine. Which is why we will continue to bend the Kriya Yoga-the allowing in practice the spine, the spinal cord of the life force of the magnetic field of the gas stream. The upper part of the vacuum is always our body because we maintain a balance. So if we bend our spine, magnetizes the spine of the vacuum.


Mantra Yoga:

The Mantra yoga, and with the acquisition of one or another material or mental power or powers, through the constant repetition of a mantra or oral formula to attract energy presiding deities, or like a mantra refers to, and then press the power of the entry into service, good or bad, according to the will and pleasure of the practitioner. One, which uses these powers of evil and do harm to the other often leads to the risk of self-sacrifice, and usually falls prey the wrath of the goddess. Those who employ these powers for selfish motives, with the purpose of making for himself at the expense of other, very soon lost its strength, and eventually destroys himself. These powers, however, can be conveniently used for the other, and not much damage, even if it may cause the loss of some vital energy of every such negotiations. All types of miracles the lowest regulations, such as tanks, the tanks, read bonus system, the treatment of the faith, in particular in cases of nervous and mental disease, fall into this category.

Therefore, it is much better to avoid such things and absolutely psychic abilities one can obtain the and use it to win at least a lower spiritual plane regions, representing the seat of the person concerned in a spirit of unselfish dedication deities. All mental powers, and functions, without incurring losses, according to their own adoption. However, it should be borne in mind that repetition of Mantras per bears no fruit, in addition to having the full attention on specific Mantras, and with intense loyalty to you, which you can create a specific vibration. Mantra yoga, in itself, however, not every value in the seberealizací and often, those who practice this form of Yoga remain entangled sometimes useless pages of the same coin, one form or another, as described above, with no great advantage in their own upliftment or soul.

As regards the performance of the mantra of siddhis or supernatural forces from the effectiveness of meditation on the Mantras, sutras, Patanjali, in his writing is a specific warning to act: they are obstacles to the Samadhi, the powers, but in a secular State.

Mantra Yoga is Yoga rhythmic 0f 0f recurrence formulas of the sealed sacred and secret drawn up by the ancient mantrakaras (Adepts on the phonetic and sounds, including the supersonics or sounds can human ken), each specifically designed to win over a specific God or goddess, representing one or the other powers of nature. May be carried out with or without the aid of Rosary Rudrakhsha who Shaivites or from Tulsi Beads used by Vaishnavites.

The mantra is the vibration. The Holy Vedic Sanskrit mantra:; It is, and Gayatri. It is the Mool mantra and therefore considered the first importance. Its essence is said to be United and his violový or recurrence was given command of all the Hindus from a very early age. The simplest and most effective is the sacred syllable Om, symbolizes the creative life of objects, ourselves, and thus most Mantras begin as the fear of syllable. Advaitists, which sees God internal in all forms, and the pervasive power of believe in the mantra of identification with the Parmatman: ham Asmi (I am Brahman), Braham and Ayam Athma Brahman (I); and these are often abbreviated to the Soham murderer or Sohang and Hansa or ham, and means "I" and "he's a Vedantist Ii", "repeat Tat Sat (Om is truth and reality) and Buddhists to Mani Padmé Hum. Mantras are dedicated or on this or that deity in propitiation of worship, praise, or defensive weapons for boons for more in size.

The mantra of efficiency depends on its correct pronunciation, an appreciation of its importance, which is often very deep, the correct position of the persons employed in the Mantra yoga, and in the period of eligibility or Guru, who has mastered not only the technology, but with a positive result in the seeds of the power is hidden in the heart of the mantra, and can offer as prasad or gift of mercy to his disciple.

One of the mantras about rapid results, fructify in time for their own and bear fruit, according to the profit of the person concernedSome of them, however, is forbidden and therefore harmful, and often harmful.

The impact of the mantra, also depends on how it is carried out violový. Violový in a whisper, considered the sword than the what I said out loud and violový in low noise is even better, while mansic violový with the language of freedom of thought is the most deserving.


Kundalini yoga:

Kundalini yoga is the physical, mental and spiritual discipline of the force, consciousness and awareness.Practitioners refer to Kundalini yoga, the yoga of awareness because they claim extended sensory sensitivity, enhances intuition and combines individual awareness infinite consciousness of God.Considered as an advanced form of yoga and meditation, the aim is to cultivate and exploit the unlimited creative and spiritual potential that exists within every human being.


Several definitions of Kundalini yoga has been used in the East and modern Western learning. According to various prominent educators and writers, has been described as Kundalini Yoga:

An active approach to awaken kundalini contrasting colour with a passive approach.

Kundalini Yoga consists of active asana, pranayama, kriyas based and meditation that is designed to improve the nervous system, Gland, mental faculties, balancing chakras and build spiritual strength while it integrates the flow of kundalini energy.

Kundalini Yoga, on the highest form is practiced with the purpose to achieve happiness, open heart Center, to develop power, serving others, achieve self-realization and eventually merging to God-consciousness.


Perhaps the earliest known written mention of Kundalini Yoga in Kundalini Yoga Upanishad, which is 80-sixth among 108 Upanishads Muktika, associated with the Krishna Yajurveda, originating in India. The origin of this particular is difficult to substantiate because scientists disagree on the exact dates for the composition of the Upanishads, but agree that all Upanishads have passed through oral tradition. Some have suggested that the composition of the Yajurveda texts date as far back as between 1400 and 600 BC.

At the end of the 19th century in the early twentieth century author translated John Woodroffe, Oxford-educated, some twenty original Sanskrit texts under the pseudonym Arthur Avalon. His most popular and influential book entitled The Serpent Power: The secrets of Tantric and Shaktic Yoga, was an important contribution to strengthening of Indian philosophy and spirituality and the source of many early Western occult appropriations tantra and kundalini practice.

In 1935, Sri Swami Sivananda wrote his depiction of Kundalini Yoga in a treatise on the subject called Kundalini Yoga.

All forms of yoga is believed to be designed to raise the kundalini energy rises in columns and Yoga Sutra of Patanjali — yoga foundational Scripture is believed to have been collected around the 2nd century BC, based on this basis, draw most kinds of yoga and meditation his structure and discipline from Ashtanga 8-limbed approximation, which gives guidelines for the practice of austerities.

In practice:

Along with many kriyas, meditations and practices Kundalini Yoga is taught a simple alternate nostril breathing of breathing (the left nostril, right nostril) as a method for cleaning of nadis, or subtle channels and waterways, to help awaken Kundalini energy.

In the Upanishads mention it to the control with three bhandas, together with control of held and expired breaths, keys to the drop, and exploit the Kundalini energy.

Several schools teach methods to visualize and meditate on the chakras and Kundalini energy equilibrium maintain nervous to float.


According to some traditions, Kundalini techniques from master disciple shall thenceforth be issued only when the disciple is considered ready. In these cases, the yogic depth masters believe that harsh settings ignorance or refused to follow the instructions in an original can cause harmful effects. But encouraged in some cases, teachers from India students to update and spread the teachings to the West, thus putting doubts in this requirement.

Sovatsky, a scholar of Yoga associated with transpersonal psychology, customize a developmental and Evolutionary perspective in his interpretation of Kundalini Yoga. It is, he interprets Kundalini Yoga as a catalyst for psycho-spiritual growth and bodily maturation. According to this interpretation of the yoga body itself into larger loops maturation [...], should be envisaged only stretching exercises.


All intensive spiritual practices associated with Asian traditions require careful practice. Psychiatric literature notes that "since the influx of Eastern spiritual practices and the rising popularity of meditation starting in the 1960s, many people have experienced a variety of psychological difficulties, either while engaged in intensive spiritual practice or spontaneously". Some of the psychological difficulties associated with intensive spiritual practice is said to be "kundalini awakening", "a complex physio-psychospiritual transformative process described in the yogic depth tradition". Also authors of Transpersonal Psychology.


Raja Yoga:

Raja Yoga literally means King of Sciences. It's very large title branch of Yoga is not as popular or well known as the others, and that sometimes seem obscure. This article is to explain the raja yoga, examination of the basic philosophy and what is most important for its significance for us in today's world.

The origin of the raja Yoga:

Yoga comes from the Sanskrit root yuj which means yoke or unite. This Union describes the purpose of yoga is to unite us with the ultimate awareness, which is sometimes called absolute, even, God, or creator.Raja meaning King, and this form of Yoga is referred to raja yoga, because the mind must be King between authorities. Its origin goes back long before written texts. The old system or the science of things (Prophet), to assist them in the implementation of the self or God through meditation and related procedures. First introduced in the rishi who lived before the many thousands of years ago. Discovered methods practical that people can develop their highest nature. Then he began to coach of. Later, around 2000 years ago, the ancient practice of yoga has been compiled and summarized in Patanjali2, in hisYoga sutras. While raja Yoga encompasses all eight stages of Patanjali's Yoga-Yama, niyama, asana, Pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi — focuses on the last two steps: the mind, meditation, and dive into the internal space. For centuries, and until the present raja Yoga Resume, thanks to the practical experience with great sages.

Perception and the perception of the mind that our tool:

In raja yoga is the brain a tool for viewing in and recognition of the Interior. Read a description of the ancient yogic philosophy on how they perceive our minds in the world, we could blame thinking that we in modern biology or medical grade, with the exception of mention of the soul.

How they perceive our minds are described in steps3 (see diagram right). The brain is only a tool that the soul works with the world, including the physical body. This internal mental tool that includes all the processes are described (see below) is called in yoga chitta. Chitta is often described as Lake and Lake in the mind to think, the waves rise up and fall away as a result of the impression that we from the outside world, so that sometimes the mind is restless and unstable, and sometimes it is stationary, as well as the surface of the Lake. When on the surface of the brain of the Lake is very upset, because many of the ideas are rising like waves, we can't see the bottom of the Lake. We are just a glimpse of the bottom, when the waves have subsided and the sea is calm. Think of at the bottom of the Lake as the inner, spiritual Center.In raja Yoga to uncover, we need to calm the waves of thought in the mind of the Lake. When we put our attention in the outside world, sense organs continuously and pulling her views, creating waves of thinking through the mind of the Lake, which leads to failure. So the first step of raja Yoga is to regulate the mind: the external tendency of the mind and allow some attention back inside.

He turned his attention in mind:

Great prophets, sages and yogis found divinity and wisdom through inner experience and raja Yoga teaches us to discover how to experience to observe internal States through daily practice of meditation. The tool is the mind itself. The study of mind and the mind shines. From our childhood, we were learning to pay attention to the outer world. Most of us have little conscious of our inner world, but the process is not difficult, the same method of observation are necessary for the understanding of the inner world as external, outer world. In raja yoga, we rely on the use of observation, discrimination, and to learn from experience, as well as in other sciences. It's like sunlight shines in caves, which are kept in the dark – lighting is coming.There's nothing secret or mysterious. In fact, Swami Vivekananda writes: "what is the secret and mysterious in this system of Yoga should be rejected. Guide to the best in life. In spirituality, as in all other cases to discard everything you will weaken. They have nothing to do with her. Apparently, weakens the human brain.That would ruin the yoga, one of the most impressive of the subjects. 

In raja Yoga, we are to believe anything, because everything is based on practical experience. We can begin to understand themselves whether we have a soul about life lasts only as long as the physical body, or is it for him, and whether there is a God: the entire direct experience. We learn many things, but this knowledge is not in and of itself. The goal is to search for a merger with the absolute ultimate yoga.


Bhakti Yoga:

Human behaviour can be compared with the bird, its elegant movement needs to do three things – two wings and the tail of the flight. Balances the wings in the air and later in its course, as a boat, in the steering gear.

Worker in love and knowledge were two wings and the tail of a meditation. When these harmonics, beautiful. Let us now to love as a spiritual discipline. It is known as Bhakti Yoga or yoga of divine love.

Love attraction that runs at various levels: material, human and spirit. People with friends, and friends, parents and children, husbands and wives; and in the spiritual unity of God's people, it rests on inanimate objects of material particles. Attraction is the real source of the spirit or God particles, by itself, cannot attract other particles. Because God is the spirit that pervades the whole universe, because he is sentient beings, into the depths I see gravity operates throughout the world. Have a lower form of appeal, such as her lover, mistress of all the attractions and sites, such as the children of the mother's appeal, the higher level is no fundamental difference. Significant differences are caused by differences in love Yes channel.

Love is the creative force, through the establishment of the intended for pleasure and immortality. I hope that joy was manly in the body brings generations and strong in mind, some create art, writing poetry and writing philosophy, organization, country or similar activities. But some of the spirit of manly, knowing God through love, the strengthening of the most beautiful. The creation of the hope that the word "become immortal.Parents expect their offspring, poets, artists, philosophers, politicians, and the scientist as immortality through their individual works. Lovers of God through Union with him eternal life.

The lovers find happiness in the United States and contraction of the ugly. Birds and animals, mating;Spring human couples looking for beautiful; and the love of God always search the United States, which is good for them. On the basis of physical attractiveness, known as the secular love, love is a short-term, non-compliant, not sufficient, because this object and all materials in the form of love, which is unstable and limited. It is under the body of the United States, external factors, such as the short name and fame, wealth, power, and the position of long duration. The fear of losing is also afraid to offend the most love her love. Or also inherently unnatural, ports jealous elements. In addition, the worldly love and constantly changing. The child focuses on his mother. He grew up, he became interested in students. And then he married, and his wife filled the heart.

The next step is for the kids. I love the sky, a clear picture of the people's religion, a form of matter is a paradise of love; the inhabitants of the sky, enjoy the samplesThe difference between the joy in heaven and on Earth is not one, but only to the extent; life in heaven, the Earth is the extension of life. The worship of God is a materialist, if looking for physical pleasure and outside.

On the basis of knowledge about gravity is more objective and enduring love. Therefore, if their supporting common philosophy, art, or other intellectual property interest in friendship or love between a man and a woman, it will take more than he loved the physical factors, which contains the seeds of rapid deterioration.It is a common observation is more intellectual development of human life, likes less sensory objects. No one likes food as very happy as a dog or a pig. Animal life consists entirely of the senses, which in many cases, it is to humans. Primitive people had more luck from the physical object than an educated man, but denied that he was given the field of music, philosophy, or science of happiness. Intellectual property rights of future generations is love love more acceptable than those from the body. Countries may compare the intellectual property rights of future generations of the descendants of Homer, elsewhere, Beethoven, Asoka or up · Finch did?

Is immortality; The immortality of the intellectual property rights of future generations is infinitely more permanent physical descendants vested. The immortality of the intellectual property rights, is also a relative.The most satisfied with is the love of God; and the correlation of God's love is eternal because God is immortal. No traces of the ugly, for God is a pure reflection of her beauty, beautiful body and source of intellectual creation. When all other forms of God's love filled heart love pale tiny. 


Jnana Yoga:

Jnana is knowledge. You know as their head of Brahman Jnana. To say, ' I am Brahman, more so all the knowledge of, or traffic calming, harmless and silence says, this is the Jnana. See that no one had to use their own Jnana.

Ajnana is dark. Ajnana to identify themselves and combination vehicle illusoire two, mind, and what errors of sense ... To say, ' I do evil, a good, I am a Brahmin, Brahmachari, this is my 'Ajnana it was my son. Jnana can damage the Ajnana alone, as a person I can recall dark light.

Brahman, the Supreme Court and the cleaning of a man of approved leisure of not observing actions or fruits. Create, protect and kill the Earth without him is Maya, is like going to the world of process energy action is primary.

As a two three types of absolute space is not space, a jar, restricted space and space Panel (Blue Star) reflected in the waters of jar-there are three types of any information. They are absolutely intelligence, intelligence and operational elements with any of the information reflected in Maya and combat elements (individual souls) were reflected. Evil-doer is the concept of intelligence as a combat element function are reflected in the head, the concept, by bak SOT chuerduo and Brahman, t é moin's silence.

A jar and a panel of the model space absolutely (Blue Star) space reflecting in the water in a restricted space in the jar, convey the idea of reality, Brahman alone. Maya, however, it became three.

Notion that reflection information, erron é, pitch black. Brahmin is not restricted, restrictions are Brahmin superposition effects.

De la court type you reflect the identity of its own reporting not send Tvam go/Ke Du artists do not get to old Upanishad. Know two identities and darkness of the Earth and their cargo and destroyed, all the doubts disappear.

Call intuitive perception of the Supreme Court and himself to be a free and perfect. Jnana Yoga both smart not many people he is not very small, payment and intellectual people without sharp stone is enough to make knowledge and wave blade/pratique-drill. Thus, Upasana and Karma Yoga (Bhakti) to perform a top, Arles, and bring his body back to receiving knowledge.

JNANA seven links

Seven stages of Jnana you seven Jnana Bhumikas. The past, Jnana in some watershed Atma Jnana Sastras and no understanding of the desired fruit and the development of women's action society. First of all, this is what you have thought, Subheccha formulaires Bhumika Jnana Holy you. Discrimination or spirit will be good at swimming and water protection. Blood will be attracted and sensory-produced by inches in the performing arts for the first time you are lying in two stages. The matter next week in two stages, it is--finally, Vicharana and Tanumanasi atteint raison d ' être. In the second on the stage ever-Atma Vichara (Atomic) formulaires. The performing arts, and the third is Tanumanasi. In this matter the special produced by Kiltivasyon. The idea to thin as a string. Tanumanasi。

Tanu, the red thread thread-like status of the account. They third name of all scene know Asanga Bhavana.In three stages, absorbing all of the attractions. If we are going to die in the third stage will be maintained for a long time in heaven, his consciousness is to reincarnate as in the Sun. See above under County Jagrat Inclus, three phase. The performing arts in the fourth one is Sattvapatti. This destruction Vasanas St. This Inclus County under Svapana. Planet like a nightmare time. Got there and who find the scene in the fourth to see everything in the universe and equal in the eyes. Fifth performing art is Asamsakti.

There is no perfect non-Annex I products, people on the planet. No Upadhi you you want to sleep in: this is onsite and Jnana Jivanmukti kirtanananda Svaroopa (Brahmin forever) has gone through. Sushupti, it will give up. In the sixth session of the performing arts is Padartha Bhavana. It's true. Seventh show business is the Superconsciousness of the Turiya, you state. This was Moksha. This knowledge of Turiyatita. To win the NPP Sankalpas. All Nash come to an end. This is higher than the reach hearts and voice. Nothingness of salvation (Videhamukti) arrived at the scene the seventh.

Atma sure they live, Visual equivalent of evil desires and all, differences to no Internet to eliminate all side effects not you said before, Turiya.


Karma Yoga:

Karma yoga is certainly one de la pratique of yoga in Hinduism. The yoga that hatha in focus on social agent in two nature your bhakti yoga for apply, but the spirit, karma yoga in aspect the physical and mental of Philosophy Hindu to produce a proposal unique.

Root this is Sanskrit State-of-the-littéralement: "to do. '' Extract of business appreciate route of trying to rely on military action, he theorizes for the action taken by the in the past believed in consequences and affect where they are and évolution of life. Western philosophes, like the Gentiles, Epicureans think so seule living to live to come up with it; but Philosophy the professes last objective who were not living for pleasure, but one of the two will see. Philosophy this coupled with karma, because in the complex '' roue of karma '' had knowledge had taken place.

A great aspect of the current karma is work one and attitude the on what it is working for reason selfish, as to is a luxe like method to change their cars and fresh pool are evil karma, especially when a craves assets that grow taller in society. will make physical empêcher one in a push in his place life, with two great a satisfactory honnête of croissance spiritual. a way attentive to come know work as a servant. Esclavage, employed liaisons and do something for us in the short, and nothing gets work because one may, but the force. Graduation ceremonies and progress towards the know atteint first of freedom to take decision the independently to work for the Souci of route a job in a bureaucrat. Once automatic for the job in fashion will be and saw in the process.

This is not to say that this is the only way that we can keep pratique to show signs of pregnancy karma. If, for example, a law mercy on and altruism towards true, bound to his actions, however, have is those who were against us chance inevitable that action for one can an evil, present karma wrath This is Awesome purpose foreigners have come in to work by the the right from wrong to sort the last and, which had nearly go on more than of a dog time to realize.

And freedom mantione Havana need to move his head on the last meet its target of among karma not attached. Foreign-insertion difficult at best to keep, because the law of karma: "as you put seed, and so is you reap. '' Would be that être please not heaven who mines attachment it, of the administration of a what to do, good or bad, because effect would work my head in a life in end,, to get can't on a whole rose three-point till I come, one of plate of perfection.

While I have my only, so nearly impossible for a entierement work but a number of those is near away only intention to do that. This is karma, Yoga. Once February of fraud and grand larceny, remained a life also work payless, despite so, giving indemnités necessary in relation to this application and individual situation.Among these are life, liberty and Karma Yoga, karma semble very simple and logic. However, logic is a place in the face people émotions, usually prévaut in action.

Doubt because of friction within the logic breaking with emotion cause complexité two negotiate with karma not unavoidable.

Back to me for the concept of karma, men, let one of two to consacré nearly obsession. It is a level I added high, so deeply make by I parents that in all actions that I'm aware of '' What horse and goes away, if I know gave no attention to slow in heart, Have lived in a ashram, part of pratique routine every day me yoga karma in the form help for the building of a House, the American flu L.O.T. (account de verite pandemic in chapel).He hopes that opportunity this is increase level of graduation ceremonies.

Karma yoga are apparently not much pratiquer connaissent a and Hinduism. Fundamental nature and logic is ... not nearly as a science, but if research details, allow one to get arithmetic for a sort of also spiritual life.


Hatha Yoga:

Hatha Yoga, also known as Hatha vidya is a system that was introduced by Yogi Yogi Swatmarama, Sage of Hindu India in the 15th century, and the compiler of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika yoga.

"The word" Hatha "esoteric can tell from the Sanskrit terms" Ha "meaning" Sun "and" Italian "meaning" Moon ". Thus, Hatha Yoga is known as the branches of Yoga unites pairs of opposites referring to positive (Sunday) and negative (Moon) flow in the system. " However, historically the term Hatha refers to the use of force or persistence, and Monier-Williams dictionary translates as "a sort of by haṭhayoga forced Yoga or meditation mental abstraction (forced to withdraw from the external object; treatment reduced in Svātmārāma and Haṭha-made with many self-pradīpikā of torture, such as standing on one foot, holding onto the arm, inhaling smoke with headaches & c). "

Yogi Swatmarama introduces his system as a stage to prepare for the purification of the physical body for higher meditation or Yoga practice. It is based on asanas (postures) and pranayama (breathing techniques, also called shatkarma). Hatha Yoga has become popular in the West in the second half of the 20th century, and is often referred to simply as "Yoga" in the framework of the health and fitness.


The most comprehensive text of Hatha Yoga is the Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Yogi Yogi Swatmarama.However, this work is derived from older Sanskrit texts on yoga besides Yogi Swatmarama yoga Yogi's own experiences. It contains information about shatkarma (purification), asana (postures), pranayama (subtle energy control), chakras (energy centers), kundalini (instinct), bandhas (muscle strength), kriyas (techniques; manifestations of kundalini), shakti (Holy power), Nadi (channel) and mudras as (symbolic gestures) among other topics.

Traditionally, Lord Shiva was propounding Hatha Yoga. It is said that on a lonely island, assuming that no one else will hear him, he gave the knowledge of Hatha Yoga to goddess Parvati, but still an entire presentation, listening to throughout the rest. Lord Shiva took mercy on fish (Matsya) and makes him a pass, which was known as Matsyendranaatha. Matsyendranaatha taught Hatha Yoga to Chaurangi, a hand and feet by Matsyendranaatha just by looking at him. Hatha Yoga Pradipika mentions Adi Matsyendranath, Gorakshanath Adinatha and many other Yoga became famous hatha Yoga.

Many modern schools of Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, Hatha Yoga has its roots in the school who taught from 1924 until his death in 1989. Among his prominent students of yoga in the West have blamed Sri k. Pattabhi Jois, is famous for turning the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga style, b.k.s Iyengar who strongly stressed the link ... and use props, Indra Devi, and Krishnamacharya's son developed the Viniyoga style Desikachar.Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram in Chennai T.K.V., Desikachar founded with the purpose of posting the heritage of yoga as taught by Krishnamacharya.

Another great influence was Swami Sivananda flow Rishikesh (1887-1963) and many of his disciples include, among others, the founder of Swami Vishnu-devananda-International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta out Chinese mind; Swami F Satyananda Yoga School of Bihar; and Swami Satchidananda-integral Yoga.

The concept:

Traditional Hatha Yoga is a holistic yogic path, including subjects, physical postures (asana), procedures of purification (shatkriya), postures (mudra), breathing (pranayama) and meditation. Hatha Yoga predominantly practiced in the West consists of mostly asanas understood as physical exercises. It is also recognized as a practice to reduce stress.

Hatha Yoga is one of the two branches of yoga that focuses on the physical culture, the other is raja yoga. Both often referred to as sadanga yoga, i.e., yoga of six parts (' sad ' meaning six and limbs, meaning ' anga '). Six limbs are described in detail below. Svatmarama emphasizes many times in his Hathapradipika text that there is no raja yoga without Hatha Yoga and Hatha Yoga without raja yoga. The main difference is that raja yoga uses asanas mainly the body ready for prolonged meditation, and therefore set out to focus more on the meditative asana: the Lotus posture (padmasana), attitude (siddhasana), sukha (Sukhasana) and pelvic posture (vajrasana). Hatha Yoga utilizes not only meditative postures, but also cultural postures. In addition, the use of pranayama raja yoga is also devoid of extensive locks (bandha).